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The Last Descent

Winner of the People's Choice Award - Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival 2009 Winner of the Activism through Adventure Award ...

Sajha Sawal । साझा सवाल अङ्क ५२४ रोल्पाली जीवन / Rolpali Life

Rolpa, the birth of the armed forces launched by Maoist, what happened after the war stopped? Rolpali's life contributed to warfare, is it the same? Common questions prepared by Jailbang, Ghartgion and Thawang of Rolpa. Along with the former Honorable Osari Gharti and the Maoist leaders, Salman Ram. Shaheed's father-Mata Meng met elderly and returned to Jeddahang with his old grandfather, and after seeing his condition, what did the leader of war-fighting have suggested?
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