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''Behind the Dream'' Documentary Trailer ||Migrant worker`s human rights

According to malaysiakini.com, nearly 20 percent of Nepal’s 28 million population work abroad: mainly in India, Malaysia, and the Gulf. And remittances from workers abroad make up a quarter of the country’s GDP.

According to the Human Resources Ministry, there are some 2.1 million registered migrant workers among them around 800,000 are Nepalese.

According to GEFONT, migrant workers pay huge amount while going, but in most of the cases they are not provided salary for several months. Nearly 5294 migrant workers are victimizing yearly because of accident in work place, illness, fraud by agent, overstay, missing etc. Unfortunately, nearly 140 dead bodies of Nepalese migrant workers return back in Nepal from Malaysia yearly. Embassy records show that nearly 3,000 Nepali workers have dead bodies in Malaysia in the past 12 years, 166 of them in the five months between July and November last year alone. About 1,600 workers fly out of Kathmandu every day and 6 death bodies fly back to Nepal.

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Solukhumbu Village Trek, Nepal Village Cultural Trek
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