This video is for all the beloved viewer of the world who likes to see the life of monks in a monastery as daily activities through Buddhist practice .
Here you can find hundred faces of monks who scarified their life as spiritual practitioner.A monk is an ordain novice and noble vow since they admitted in monastery life . The documentary film is about our Pema Ts'al Sakya monastery institute where it is located in Nepal beyond the beautiful Himalayas mountain range and the place called Hyamjha, yamdhi in Pokhara, Nepal.
Lower Solukhumbu Trek, Solukhumbu Region Trek Solukhumbu Village Trek, Nepal Village Cultural Trek Solukhumbu-Pike Peak Trek | AlpineTrav Treks & Expeditions |
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- 19.07.2018 - Comments DisabledDhorpatan villagers celebrate gau pooja once in every twice year. watch full documentary…
- 31.07.2018 - Comments DisabledNepal Documentary (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); #random-posts img { …