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The Last Descent

Winner of the People's Choice Award - Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival 2009 Winner of the Activism through Adventure Award ...

Ozy and Reign - Trek, Nepal

Brother Nepal and his wife run the orphanage, intially starting in 1995 wih just a few children, but they are now up to almost 20 children plus their own two sons. They do this full time, unpaid, out of the goodness of their heart. The orphanage is fully reliant on overseas sponsorship to stay open. Last time I visited 6 years ago the house seemed spacious with only the 12 kids, but now with almost 20 it's truly become cramped, but remains a joyful and happy place! by JasonBehrPhotography
  • Fewa Thakali Bhanchha, Lakesie Pokhara
    16.07.2018 - Comments Disabled
    Delicious food with peaceful environment with well trained staff. #random-posts img…
  • ढोरपाटनमा भुत प्रेतको कथा / Story of Bhat Ghat in Dhorpapat
    19.07.2018 - Comments Disabled
    Dhorpatan villagers celebrate gau pooja once in every twice year. watch full documentary…