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The Last Descent

Winner of the People's Choice Award - Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival 2009 Winner of the Activism through Adventure Award ...

Journey to Yarsa (Himalayan Gold) in Nepal

Dipendra Bhandari follows a family from Rukum as they head up north to the Himalayan foothills in search of the yarsagumba, the fungus that grows out of caterpillars and is prized for its virile properties. The camera pursues the family as it joins the caravan of thousands of other yarsa hunters as they trek up the treacherous yet breathtaking mountain trails. The trip to Yarsa reveals the struggle, hope, laughter, and resilience of the people who go "dig for their fortunes" in the high Himalayan mountains every summer.

Lower Solukhumbu Trek, Solukhumbu Region Trek
Solukhumbu Village Trek, Nepal Village Cultural Trek
Solukhumbu-Pike Peak Trek | AlpineTrav Treks & Expeditions